1. If class numbers are insufficient, you will be given the option of changing classes or a refund of fees. 2. If you wish to cancel your participation, you must do so prior to the first class. A $20.00 cancellation fee will be charged. 3. In an emergency, if a parent or emergency designate cannot be contacted, permission is given to the 6IX DIVING CLUB to seek medical assistance and treatment as may be deemed necessary. 4. The 6IX DIVING CLUB will attempt to provide every safeguard to ensure the safety, health, and welfare of each participant. The 6IX DIVING CLUB, all of its members, directors, coaches, and instructors will be released from any or all losses, damages, expenses, costs, claims, actions, and demands of whatever nature arising from the participation of the persons so named above in any and all programs stated on this form.
Payment will be Cash or E-Transfer on First Day: 6IX DIVING CLUB
Please select your preferred days and times for classes: